
Segmentation; is a method that aims to create strategic plans specific to each segment by dividing the different units (employees, customers, dealers, stores, etc.) represented by the data into clusters that are similar in themselves but differ from other clusters on the basis of different topics/contents. With this separation, it is possible to go to the masses with value propositions that will appeal to them. For example, if customers are segmented in terms of their purchasing behavior, it becomes clear which segment is more valuable compared to each other, how their purchasing behavior changes compared to another segment, a prioritization can be made between segments and customers can be managed more strategically. Segments, which are an important distinction, are revealed in the clearer emergence of short-term and long-term sales scenarios and forecasts.

Many different segmentation techniques are used according to data types. The main source of data is CRM systems for customers, HRIS systems for employees or data obtained from different researches. By examining the factual or perceptual data sources, the most appropriate segment variables are decided, analyzes are carried out, and the results are interpreted and finalized by subject experts.

It is frequently used as a basic analysis to reveal the differences and similarities of different units such as customers, employees, stores, dealers.